EK Queen's Bardic Champion Scroll
This scroll was painted for the East Kingdom Queen's Bardic Championship in 2018.
Illumination and calligraphy by Millicent Rowan, modeled on Recueil des poésies des troubadours.
Words by Sabine de Kerbriant, based on razos (biographical tributes) about and verses by Guillem de Saint Leidier, Folquet de Marseille, and Peire Vidal (from English translations by William E. Burgwinkle, Razos & Troubadour Songs)
Illumination in Windsor and Newton design gouache.
Paper is faux vellum pergamenata from John Neal Books.
"Gentles, this song is sent as a messenger
And comes from so courtly a circumstance
That it cannot but bring delight
For it is our fair Queen
Who bids this be heard:
Worth is the source from which good reputation grows
And fine words that never deceive
Sow the seeds of renown.
So much She loves joy and mirth and courtesy
That those who sing their praises
Will be heard and rewarded
Thus the noble [ ]
Is made Her own sworn Bard.
Done at the Royal Bardic Championship in Ostgardr on the feast day of St. Scholastica, A.S. LII"